We need to do better!
In 2000, Theology (Toronto Rapper) coined the phrase “SCREWFACE CAPITAL” and it seems we have taken this expression and using it as a way of life.
We walk around with our noses in the air not caring about anyone or anything unless it has to do with us. We’ve turned very selfish and feel that we are too cool to acknowledge anything.
This phrase has corrupted our city and we are suffering as a city!!
Looking from the outside in, we’re a multicultural city with such beautiful people, places and cultures. You would swear we would be a “KUMBAYA” type of city…NEGATIVE, we’re far from it. People are too quick to shut new things down and walk with blinders.
The ones affected by this the most is our hip-hop community! The word SUPPORT doesn’t exist in most of our vocabulary. You look at all the different cities in the US and you see how artist come together and support one an other…even the females know how to do this (ATL is a great example). Most Toronto artist feel they’re “too big” to collaborate with others and most citizens only feel to support their own family members...or will start supporting when they know the person is not unknown (ie. Drake—where were the fans on his first album or during Degrassi days??????????lol)
There are the few trying to shake this negative mind set, Canadian Indie Movement is one great one for the hip hop community, having monthly showcases in downtown Toronto and people come to support ALL artist and get to jam out with them after to REALLY NETWORK!!!!
I know we have the capability to come together and squash this stigma that we’re cold like the North Pole…Toronto, WE NEED TO DO BETTER!
Testify. Makes the city sound ugly, which it ain't. We just gotta do that legwork towards showing and proving the truth - United we stand tall, divided we stand in the gutter.