So i jus want to let the world know how much i love my hunny!!!
when you're in a relationship(especially a long one, like 10yrs) sometimes letting the other person know u appreciate them/you love them,slips your mind. you may show it, but saying, better yet proclaiming it, just puts the stamp on it.
so this is jus a lil ode to my other you boo!
it's your girl Malix, the voice of the models/eyecandies!!!! Giving yall weekly interviews with the hottest and upcoming models in the indusrty :)
easy steps... -the link will take you to my muchmusic VJ page
-clik the highest star in both HOT and COOL (do it as many times during the day,or what me fill ur time,lmbao)
i wanna be the VOICE of the fans...i wanna be the link between the artist/info and you.
What’s up world? My name is Malix Angel; I’ve been in love with broadcasting since I can talk (according to my mother). I’ve always wanted to be a voice for the people and here I am, voicing. Just being able to pass a message on or being a source of communication makes me tingle inside :)
J. My heart has been with radio but i'm slowly opening up to television and of course through writing!!!! I say if I can be this voice through different outlets…WHY NOT, right?!
MXyMAG has given me that chance to show all you a side you wouldn’t see from these beautiful women…they are not just “eyecandy” for the eyes, they are more then that, and it brings me joy to see that I’m able to have models/entertainers understood!!! Have to thank Tek Niq for giving me the chance to express myself through others J
Actually kind of funny how we met/started working together. About 5 years ago or so, while he was working on a calendar, I went to a casting to be one of their models…I didn’t get chosen but Tek say something in me and stayed in touch. Until about beginning of the year he came to me with this position and we’ve been creating beautiful ideas ever since!!!
soooo why am i blogging?????
i feel i need to get some shit out my chest and if someone can get something out of it and grow as a person i have made an impact in this beautiful world!!!! :)
i have been in a 10yr reltionship with my best friend and we've recently had a beautiful child...u dont even know how blessed i am to have these 2 dudes in my life...*TEARS*
so now in my jorney to luving my new family I HAVE LOST MYSELF...i started ignoring friends, family and i was starting to miss the "pep" in my step.
Now anyone that knows me personally is aware of my bubbly-love of me a hippie child if u may ( I WAS STARTING TO LOOSE THAT...
THIS WAS A NO NO NO in my books...had to make it right i decided to share my feelings with u world...EEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK (as i type im double guessin myself but i feels good to vent i guess)lol
well newho...ive taken control back into my life and am back on a positive note. but i still wanna talk about those funny feelings i went through. share!!!!!!!!
so sit bak and enjoy my jorney into finding myself out